Psoriasis is an immune-mediated disease for which some people have a genetic predisposition. The condition manifests in inflammatory effects on either the skin or joints, or both, and it has a major impact on quality of life. Although there is currently no cure for psoriasis, various treatment strategies allow sustained control of disease signs and symptoms. Several randomised controlled trials (RCTs) have compared the efficacy of the different systemic treatments in psoriasis against placebo...
The International Association for the Study of Pain defines chronic pain as any pain lasting longer than three months. There are multiple sources of chronic pain. Combination therapy for pain includes both pharmacological therapies and nonpharmacological treatment options. There is a more significant reduction in pain with combination therapy compared to a single treatment alone. Escalation of pharmacological therapy is in a stepwise approach. Comorbid depression and anxiety are widespread in patients with chronic pain. Patients with chronic pain are also at increased risk for suicide. Chronic pain can impact every facet of a patient's life. Thus learning to diagnose and appropriately manage patients experiencing chronic pain is critical. Significant changes in blood flow or in the integrity of cerebral vessels are believed to cause cerebrovascular disease (CVD) and to contribute to dementias including Alzheimer’s disease [1]. Stroke, the most serious form of CVD, is one of the lead...
A search of the published medical literature revealed
1 study investigating the researchable question:
Systemic pharmacological treatments for chronic plaque psoriasis
Level of evidence
C - Multiple studies with limitations or conflicting results
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