Moreover, TMS was applied during a choice reaction time task to assess changes in motor excitability associated with inhibitory control. Finally, behavioral inhibition was investigated using a neuropsychological task (anti-saccade). Overall, our results highlight several interesting correlations between microbial composition and brain measures. Hence, higher bacterial diversity, as well as higher relative abundances of UGC-002 and Christensenellaceae R-7 group were correlated with stronger changes in motor excitability associated with inhibitory control. Also, higher abundance of Anaerostipes was associated with higher level of corticospinal excitability. Finally, relative abundances of Bifidobacterium and Faecalibacterium were positively related to performance in the neuropsychological task, suggesting that they might have a positive impact on behavioral inhibition. Although correlation is not causation, the present study suggests that excitatory and inhibitory brain processes might be related to gut microbiota composition. This article is part of the Special Issue on 'Microbiome & the Brain: Mechanisms & Maladies'